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Saratoga Technologies DEP System

The Saratoga Technologies DEP (DermoElectroPoration) System is a powerful, non invasive drug-delivery system that delivers ionic drug solutions into the body via a standalone transdermal delivery handpiece. Utilizing a completely safe transdermal delivery system, the DEP is fast, easy to use and incredibly accurate.
View this EquipmentSaratoga Technologies Ultrapeel Pepita System

The Saratoga Technologies Ultrapeel Pepita System is a powerful skin resurfacing system that delivers a wide range of aesthetic and para medical procedures. An innovative non-invasive tool, the system uses a controlled flow of inert sterile micro crystals that are vacuumed across the skin to remove dead and damaged skin cells.
View this EquipmentSaratoga Technologies Dualmax Laser System

The Saratoga Technologies Dualmax laser system is an intense pulsed light system that delivers 80,000 to 100,000 pulses at an affordable cost per pulse. With unique water cooled handpieces that go down to -4C, the Dualmax offers maximum comfort for the client and optimum effectiveness.
View this EquipmentSaratoga Technologies NaturalLaseQS Laser System

The versatile Saratoga Technologies NaturalLaseQS laser system is a reliable and powerful laser that is suitable for a variety of treatments. Especially created for tattoo removal, the NaturalLaseQS safely and effectively removes the most popular tattoo ink colors with fewer complications in just 4-8 treatments. The system is also a powerful treatment option for skin rejuvenation, removal of pigmented […]
View this EquipmentSaratoga Technologies Bella Donna CO2 Fractional Laser System

The Saratoga Technologies Bella Donna CO2 Fractional laser system utilizes a CO2 tube along with a fine laser beam to minimize skin damage and improve overall treatment effects. Featuring adjustable scan-size and beam density, the Bella Donna reduces treatment times and improves the recovery and rejuvenation period. The system delivers a variety of treatments, wrinkle and […]
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